When you're a small business owner, it's easy to tie up the bulk of your available funds in operating the business, but you should also plan to keep some funds aside to pay for legal representation in the event that you face business litigation. Although large corporations are often synonymous with legal disputes, the reality is that there are many legal issues that small business owners can also encounter. You don't want a business dispute hindering your productivity or profitability, so it's important that you hire a business attorney who can help to resolve the matter fairly and quickly for you. Here are some times that small business owners may encounter disputes.
Conflicts With Former Partners
Many small businesses start with two people working together toward a common goal. Over time, one person may walk away from the business venture if it's not quick enough to turn a profit. In this situation, the other person may continue on — and will ideally reach a point that the business in successful. Sometimes, this can mean that the former partner re-emerges and wants a share of the profits, given that he or she had a role in getting the business off the ground. A business attorney will be a vital ally to ensure that any decision you make is fair and in your best interest.
Copyright Infringement
Small business owners can occasionally get into legal trouble related to the topic of copyright infringement. There are many potential scenarios in which this can be an issue. For example, there might be another business that uses the same name as yours, or perhaps you're using a logo that is too similar in design to that of another company. In these cases, you'll likely hear from the other party's legal counsel, so it's imperative that you retain a business attorney to defend yourself and, hopefully, come to a quick and suitable solution.
Cyber Squatting
Cyber squatting is an issue that small business owners can sometimes encounter. For example, perhaps you've started your business but have yet to develop a web presence. Someone who learns your business name may buy domains in that name — and when you start to build your web presence, you'll quickly learn that you cannot get the URL that you want. It's handy to obtain legal representation for this situation so that your attorney can contact the person or entity in possession of your desired URL and work out how you can get it quickly and cost effectively.
Share8 November 2017
Hi there, my name is John Michaels. Welcome to my website about general attorney services. When I was wrapped up in a neighborhood dispute, I decided to consult with a general attorney to receive guidance and support. The attorney helped me understand how to best proceed with the dispute to achieve a mutually-acceptable resolution. Through this experience, I was inspired to share information about the services provided by general attorneys. I invite you to visit my site daily to learn about these important service offerings and their role in your dispute resolution activities. Thank you for coming to visit my site.