If your medical condition has made it impossible to work at your job, you might be able to get Social Security benefits. This monthly financial payment could help make ends meet, though the process for being approved is long and difficult. You should know being approved is not a "one and done" sort of thing. You might need to show the Social Security Administration (SSA) that you still need help after a year or so of being on benefits has passed. Read on to learn more about how the SSA handles this check on your health, known as a continuing disability review (CDR).
You may not have to undergo a CDR: If you do have to have the review, it may only be once every seven years or so. It really depends on your age and the medical condition that qualified you for benefits. If you are younger, such under the age of 40 or so, you might expect to be reviewed more often since younger people have more of a tendency to improve enough to return to work.
For those with severe, terminal or permanent medical conditions, you are less likely to be asked to undergo a CDR. If your condition fits the parameter as being one that might improve enough over time for you to return to work, you may have to undergo the review more often, such as every three years or so.
If you are working: While it may be difficult to make ends meet using SSA benefit payments alone, working and earning money may put you at a greater risk of having to be reviewed. It is not just the amount of money that tips the SSA off, but the type of work you are doing to earn that money. Each month you must let the SSA know how much income you have coming in and how that income came about.
If you are earning money, even if the amount is within SSA income limits, they may take a closer look at the type of work you are performing. It may be helpful to keep in mind that the SSA is only paying you benefits because you are unable to do the work you last performed at your job; if you are doing those same, or similar, work tasks in another job, you may need to be reviewed with a CDR.
What happens with a CDR? In most cases, you will be provided with forms to take to your doctor, who then returns them to the SSA. If you get an adversarial notice, you have the right to an appeal. Speak to a Social Security attorney for help with your appeal and for getting these important benefits started again.
For more information, contact your preferred attorneys at law.
Share12 April 2018
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